Tuesday, July 24, 2007

St Mary Redcliffe Church

In 1574 Queen Elizabeth is said to have proclaimed the Parish Church of St Mary Redcliffe to be the "fairest, goodliest and most famous parish church in England." Bristol’s most historic and beautiful building, the St Mary Redcliffe Church is one of Bristol’s treasures with its magnificent exterior of flying buttresses, pinnacles and spire.

The building has a splendid interior with fine stone vaulted transepts with 1200 gold covered roof bosses, beautifully carved by mediaeval masons, which act as keystones locking the masonry that forms the vaulting.


Benny Hamonangan Panjaitan said...

Wiuh,,,ckckckckckc...Mantap bener, Bu Tita 8->

Ajarin dong,bu...:D pengen liat bawahnya don he...jd penasran :D
Detail, Perspektif, apalgi yg utama ZONE-nya,,,alamak!!!!!

sumaryanto bronto said...

mantap kali mba TITA..
kapan jalan2 lagi ke semarang?